Date: 2020
Type: Contribution to book
Could a different approach to the history of European welfare lead us to tell a different history of Europe? : a tale of cross-national collaborations
Sonja LEVSEN and Jörg REQUATE (eds), Why Europe, which Europe? : a debate on contemporary European history as a field of research, Kassel ; Freiburg, Hypothèses, 2020, Europe Debate, OnlineOnly
DOWNS, Laura Lee, Could a different approach to the history of European welfare lead us to tell a different history of Europe? : a tale of cross-national collaborations, in Sonja LEVSEN and Jörg REQUATE (eds), Why Europe, which Europe? : a debate on contemporary European history as a field of research, Kassel ; Freiburg, Hypothèses, 2020, Europe Debate, OnlineOnly
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
For me, the questions of why Europe, which Europe, and how contemporary historians might do European history differently are profoundly imbricated. This is so for one simple reason: I work on the history of social Europe (as opposed to the study of European welfare states), and this demands writing histories that are at once social and political, cultural and institutional. So how and why is this so, you may ask?
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First Published Online: 15 October 2020
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Publisher: Europadebate