Date: 2020
Type: Book
Preferential services liberalization : the case of the European Union and federal states
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020, Cambridge international trade and economic law
JACOBSSON, Johanna, Preferential services liberalization : the case of the European Union and federal states, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020, Cambridge international trade and economic law
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Preferential Services Liberalization offers the first, comprehensive analysis of the conditions that the World Trade Organization sets for preferential trade agreements (PTAs) in the area of services. Johanna Jacobsson provides an in-depth analysis of the relevant GATS rules, puts forward a practical method to analyze services PTAs, and applies the method to services agreements concluded by the EU. The result is a detailed examination of the legal criteria for services PTAs and methods to study them, combined with a better understanding of the level of liberalization reached by the EU and its member states. This book does go beyond the EU in analyzing the implications that multi-level governance has for international services liberalization. It proposes a new approach to study services commitments of any federal state and argues that lower levels of government should receive more attention in international negotiations over services trade.
Table of Contents:
-- Foreword pp xiii-xiv
-- Acknowledgements pp xv-xvi
-- Abbreviations pp xvii-xviii
-- Cited Treaties and EU Legislation pp xix-xxi
-- Cited Cases pp xxii-xxiv
-- Introduction pp 1-16
-- Part I - Preferentialism in the WTO and in the GATS pp 17-86
-- Part II - Federalism and Liberalization of Services Trade, pp 87-168
-- Part III - Methodology for a Legal-Empirical Analysis of EIAs, pp 169-222
-- Part IV - Analysis of the Selected Services Agreements, pp 223-296
-- Conclusion pp 291-296
-- Appendices pp 297-350
Cadmus permanent link:
ISBN: 9781316998120; 9781108476164; 9781108469937
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
LC Subject Heading: Service industries -- Law and legislation; Foreign trade regulation -- European Union countries; Service industries -- Law and legislation -- European Union countries; Foreign trade regulation
Sponsorship and Funder information:
This book has been published with a financial subsidy from the European University Institute
Initial version:
Version: Published version of EUI PhD thesis, 2016