Date: 2021
Type: Other
Towards a strengthened methodology for the elaboration of the Rule of Law Report
STG Policy Briefs, 2021/22
CLOSA, Carlos, HERNÁNDEZ GONZÁLEZ, Gisela, Towards a strengthened methodology for the elaboration of the Rule of Law Report, STG Policy Briefs, 2021/22 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
The Rule of Law Report, firstly introduced by the European Commission in 2020, monitors annually the rule of law situation in member states. This exercise helps to identify and to anticipate breaches and prevent further erosions. This Policy Brief proposes a series of methodological improvements for upcoming editions that might help to strength the robustness of the report. On the one hand, it focuses on two elements that the Report already considers: judicial independence and media freedom. For these elements, the Brief proposes strengthened assessment standards and data collection, and include new topics that are gaining relevance. On the other hand, the document suggests two additional areas for future editions - a comprehensive assessment of independent authorities in member states and a COVID-19 measures impact audit. Increasing methodological soundness will improve the transparency, validity and accountability of the Report
Additional information:
This paper draws on the discussion during a High-Level Policy Dialogue on “How to secure compliance
with the Rule of Law,” organised by the EUI School of Transnational Governance in October 2021
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.2870/39908
ISBN: 9789294661210
ISSN: 2600-271X
Series/Number: STG Policy Briefs; 2021/22
Publisher: European University Institute