Date: 2007
Type: Working Paper
Just A Matter of Time: Empirical Evidence of the Causal Effect of Education on Fertility in Italy
Working Paper, EUI MWP, 2007/22
FORT, Margherita, Just A Matter of Time: Empirical Evidence of the Causal Effect of Education on Fertility in Italy, EUI MWP, 2007/22 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
This paper assesses the causal effects of education on fertility, allowing for
heterogeneity in the effects while controlling for the self-selection of women into
education. Identification relies on exogenous variation in schooling induced by a
mandatory school reform implemented nationwide in Italy in the early 1960s. The
findings suggest that: (i) an increase from primary to junior high school education
causes a large proportion of women to postpone early births; (ii) the effect vanishes at
older ages and women catch up with the fertility delay before turning 26; (iii) the effect
of the increase in education on the number of children a woman has is negligible; (iv)
there is large heterogeneity in the fertility behaviour of women.
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ISSN: 1830-1541
Series/Number: EUI MWP; 2007/22
Publisher: European University Institute
Keyword(s): Education Motherhood Regression Discontinuity Design J1 I2