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dc.contributor.authorHIGASHINO, Atsuko
dc.description.abstractJapan and the Visegrád-4 (V4) group, i.e. Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, have enjoyed stable and problem-free relations for over 15 years since the official start of the dialogue between Japan and the group. Since 2019, the relationship between the V4 and Japan has also been embedded in the larger framework of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) and the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), both of which have made the ties between Japan and the V4 countries more multi-layered and multi-faceted. However, Japan’s engagement with the V4 countries has lacked dynamism and robustness in areas such as Japan’s foreign direct investment in the V4 countries and visits by high-ranking Japanese officials to the V4. Arguably, therefore, there has been a structural gap or mismatch between what the V4 countries expect from Japan and what Japan can or is willing to deliver in the V4-Japan relationship. This paper problematises the asymmetric relations between Japan and the V4 from the Japanese perspective, focusing mainly on how and why Japan has failed to put more emphasis on fortifying its relationship with the V4 countries. It identifies three background factors behind this mismatch: the US- and China-centric nature of Japan’s foreign policy, Japan’s large-country focus in its outlook and policies concerning Europe and its rather outdated self-image as an important donor and supporter of the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs).en
dc.publisherEuropean University Instituteen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPolicy Briefsen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGlobal Governance Programmeen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEU-Asia projecten
dc.subjectEurope in the Worlden
dc.titleJapan and Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs)en
dc.rights.licenseAttribution 4.0 International*

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