The success of public policies is often judged on the basis of policy outcomes, which implies an assessment of the effectiveness of achieving the expected policy goals and objectives. Nevertheless, an important aspect of public policy, which links societal needs and collective problems on the one hand with policy results on the other, relates to the governance of the whole process of policy design and implementation. Highlighting the importance of the procedural dimension in the decision-making process and its relevance for policy success, this paper seeks to describe and systemise different types of governance priorities in Croatia. The paper uses a thematic analysis of 11 policy documents, ranging from youth policy and disability policy to education and transport policy, to show that Croatian public policies encompass a whole array of governance priorities. Applying the Multiple Governance Framework offered by Michael Hill and Peter Hupe, the paper classifies these priorities into 1) fundamental constitutive decisions regarding the basic principles and structures of policymaking, 2) activities which offer guidance on policy formulation, and 3) practical management of the policy implementation phase. Priorities encompassed by Croatian policy documents are largely dominated by those focusing on operational governance, specifically by goals that aim to create the right conditions and operative procedures for improving policy implementation. Goals oriented toward the management of inter-organisational and interpersonal relations are also very common. Finally, a significant share of the goals relates to the efforts to lay the groundwork for designing new strategic or operative documents, as well as appeals to different levels of authority to follow through on already existing strategic documents. The latter finding suggests implementation gaps and points to the need for further investigation and improvement of governance capacities within the Croatian executive branch.
Uspješnost javnih politika nerijetko se procjenjuje na temelju njihovih ishoda, što podrazumijeva ocjenu djelotvornosti u postizanju zadanih ciljeva. Međutim, važna karika u uzročnom lancu koji povezuje društvene probleme s jedne strane i rezultate s druge strane jest upravljanje procesom stvaranja javnih politika. Prepoznajući važnost procesnog aspekta političkog odlučivanja za uspješnost javnih politika, rad nastoji otkriti koje vrste upravljačkih prioriteta postoje u Hrvatskoj. Na temelju tematske analize procesnih ciljeva javnih politika u 11 hrvatskih strateških dokumenata, rad pokazuje kako dokumenti predviđaju niz upravljačkih zadaća počevši od donošenja temeljnih konstitutivnih odluka o osnovnim načelima i strukturama za stvaranje javnih politika, preko aktivnosti kojima se usmjerava oblikovanje politikâ pa sve do praktičnog upravljanja procesom provedbe planiranih aktivnosti. U dokumentima hrvatskih javnih politika, pritom, znatno dominira potonji skup aktivnosti pa najveći broj procesnih ciljeva kao prioritete postavlja one vezane uz osiguranje uvjeta i operativnih procedura za provedbu politikâ te upravljanje međuorganizacijskim i međuljudskim odnosima.