Date: 2023
Type: Article
International threats and support for European security and defence integration : evidence from 25 countries
European journal of political research, 2024, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 433-454[Global Governance Programme], [Europe in the World]
MADER, Matthias, GAVRAS, Konstantin, HOFMANN, Stephanie Claudia, REIFLER, Jason, SCHOEN, Harald, THOMSON, Catarina, International threats and support for European security and defence integration : evidence from 25 countries, European journal of political research, 2024, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 433-454[Global Governance Programme], [Europe in the World] -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
When member states of the European Union face serious international threats, does this serve as a catalyst or obstacle for European integration in the security and defence domain? To gain purchase on this question, this paper examines public opinion from a common instrument fielded in 24 EU member states (and the United Kingdom) with a total sample size of more than 40,000 respondents. We argue that theoretical accounts of perceived threat produce rival hypotheses. Threats might have either uniform or differential effects on different groups of citizens and could lead to either convergence or divergence of public opinion. We show that perceptions of foreign threats are associated with more favourable views on integration in the security and defence domain. Importantly, this association is as strong among Eurosceptics as among Europhiles. The findings presented here are consistent with the view that functional pressures may temporarily convince Eurosceptics to accept integration in the foreign and security domain.
Additional information:
Published online: 17 June 2023
Cadmus permanent link:
Full-text via DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12605
ISSN: 0304-4130; 1475-6765
Series/Number: [Global Governance Programme]; [Europe in the World]
Publisher: Sage
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