Date: 2011
Type: Working Paper
Forecasting Contemporaneous Aggregates with Stochastic Aggregation Weights
Working Paper, EUI ECO, 2011/17
BRUEGGEMANN, Ralf, LUETKEPOHL, Helmut, Forecasting Contemporaneous Aggregates with Stochastic Aggregation Weights, EUI ECO, 2011/17 -
Retrieved from Cadmus, EUI Research Repository
Many contemporaneously aggregated variables have stochasticaggregation weights. We compare different forecasts for such variables including univariate forecasts of the aggregate, a multivariate forecast of the aggregate that uses information from the disaggregate components, a forecast which aggregates a multivariate forecast of the disaggregate components and the aggregation weights, and a forecast which aggregates univariate forecasts for individual disaggregate components and the aggregation weights. In empirical illustrations based on aggregate GDP and money growth rates, we find forecast efficiency gains from using the information in the stochastic aggregation weights. A Monte Carlo study confirms that using the information on stochastic aggregation weights explicitly may result in forecast mean squared error reductions.
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ISSN: 1725-6704
Series/Number: EUI ECO; 2011/17
Keyword(s): Aggregation Autoregressive process Mean squared error C32